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Anonymous commented at 2017-08-15 00:29:43 » #2158174

This game had a profound effect on me when I first played it.... Xtreme 2 was my first Megaman game and for a long time it was the only one I had. I didn't play this one until many years later and this was after Playing most of the Battle network and the Zero series I had no idea what I was gonna deal with when I started and this one hit me HARD.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-09-30 12:33:31 » #2171600

This is actually one of the easier games in the series once you get the hang of the differences in how X and Zero play. It has a ton of overpowered power-ups and the Slash-Dash Cancel can completely break the game.

There's an awful lot to absorb from a story standpoint, though, as it drops more background on Zero's origin and more plot overall than any other game in the series.

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