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Charalychara commented at 2017-09-24 22:08:34 » #2170010

I need context here. Or a translation. Like, yesterday.

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Anonymous commented at 2017-09-25 01:42:39 » #2170056

My moonspeak is tiny baby level, but I thiiiink they're arguing over who loves the other more, but since it's lyn and hector it's taken to the extreme

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Anonymous commented at 2017-09-25 19:42:04 » #2170287

While 好き (suki) does mean like, they are not talking about who likes the other more.
What is actually going on, while I can't make out the context, is something to do with Lyndis' 胸 (mune), which literally means chest/breasts.
Hector being the 脳筋馬鹿 (tl: muscle brain idiot) he is, he probably said something stupid or breast related.

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