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Anonymous commented at 2017-11-09 14:38:06 » #2182474

Why do they call her katyusha anyway? That name doesn't exist for a person, katyusha is an affection based connotation of the name Katya, something only her parents, close friends or lovers may call her, otherwise it should be Katya or Katerina. Sucks that japs don't research shit from other cultures too well before implementing it... Also, the way they sang katyusha (the song) was sickening (to a person who knows Russian), I can do a better job singing songs in Japanese...

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erisama536 commented at 2018-06-11 17:18:50 » #2247702

Maybe it is because everyone loves her?
And no need to get all cringy because they don't sing like the red army's choir, i am pretty sure you can't sing for shit in japan and someone who knows japanese will cringe when they hear you.

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Senor_Trappington commented at 2019-11-07 13:37:53 » #2455547

I've been under the impression that Katyusha was her name to begin with, Anon #1, like how some women are named Tess and just Tess, not Tessa or Theresa or anything. I mean, I know it's a diminutive form of Ekaterina, or however you spell it, but songs have been known to popularise otherwise lower key names. I'd guess her parents were slavaboos, to an extent, and decided to name her that, or named her katerina, frequently called her Katyusha, and put her under the impression that should be her name.
Also she's a native born Japanese.

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