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thyken_t commented at 2019-03-30 10:16:19 » #2357823

Omg 2 hot girls in one

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-09-23 18:20:37 » #2438086

Must have fusion danced ????

1 Points Flag
zorothex commented at 2023-01-12 21:36:43 » #2776427

Don't wanna be "that" guy on a hentai site lmao.
And maybe this was already known.

But after a fusion dance you have very specific Metamorian clothing, Merlin's outfit would completely disappear, and the body will become a literal 50/50 balance of the 2 fusees.

If it was Potara fusion however,
the clothes of the 2 fusees will combine, and the body will take the ultimate physique it can,
it will take the best of both (this is why Elder Kai barely changed, he was superior to the witch in almost every way, so he didn't change much, If you'd potara fuse Goku and Krillin, Krillin would be completely gone, and it would literally just be Goku but stronger)

That is why Kefla is literally Caulifla + Kale's abilities, Caulifla is mentally stronger but physically weaker, so her personality and general appearance take over.
While Kale is mentally weaker but physically stronger, so her personality and appearance disappear while her physique and abilities take the stage.

what IF Caulifla was naked before Potara fusion,
then maybe, Merlin's entire outfit would take over, because Caulifla has no clothes to overlap.
(let's just ignore that they should be wearing Potara earrings)

Also, don't take this too serious. I'm just messing around.

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