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tuu_kuu(dere) commented at 2017-12-15 18:04:10 » #2193026

Welp...All my hope for Tao being in is gone.
I understand why, but damn....
Ah well lol
Good on'em

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-12-15 18:31:38 » #2193037

NONE of these characters are Bang.

FUCK this shit. God dammit.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-12-15 18:48:01 » #2193041

No Terumi? oh come on man....

8 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2017-12-15 20:08:42 » #2193060

It's hard to compete with underboob.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-12-15 20:29:42 » #2193064

I just hope at some point they add Hakumen and Merkava, thats a battle I want to see happen.

5 Points Flag
icebeam13 commented at 2017-12-15 21:02:18 » #2193075

:') So happy that Nu was revealed! I can have her team up with Ragna!

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-12-17 06:03:26 » #2193453

tuu_kuu, why would they leave Tao out?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-12-17 09:22:56 » #2193482

Seriously? They released Es but not Izanami? Great, there go my plans of teaming up Izanami with Hilda.

1 Points Flag
tuu_kuu(dere) commented at 2017-12-18 10:45:43 » #2193844

To Anon2193453,

Tao isn't all that popular it seems. Couple that with the fact that not to many people play her.
That, and most of the characters who they did add actually contributed majorly to the story. (What I'm most surprised about is Terumi isn't in, but I have ideas on that too but lets see if they really will put him in.)
You didn't really see Tao all that much at all. Now that I think about it, I don't even think you even run into her in the embryo, but my memory is hazy...Correct me if I am wrong.

Yeah they could still add her, but I doubt they will. If they are adding most of the cast like I'm hoping they will, there's a chance she will get in since the early build only had 7 slots for characters and we have...8 blazblue characters in now?
If they do, I'll be pleasantly surprised.

To be honest, I'm not expecting any of the characters I play to make it lol.
And that's from all of the series.
As long as slots aren't filled though, I'll hope.
I'll hope for No-persona sho and labrys...cuz of course marie isn't going to make it and yosuke is already in.
I'll hope for vatista and mika since Linne is already in (I'm expecting Carmine to make it with Enkidu...because why not more unga...)

Only time will tell now, but I'm very much hoping, Tao still makes it.
Just very dubious.
If she doesn't, I'll still be ok with that.
I just want my baby in, that's all.

4 Points Flag
tuu_kuu(dere) commented at 2017-12-18 10:50:16 » #2193845

Fuck me, it's 9.

1 Points Flag