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inky commented at 2018-01-24 21:09:00 » #2205835

Okay, two problems I have with this scene:
1. Why is Team Rocket excited to catch a female Frillish? Don't they already have one from their last leg in Unova during gen 5?
2. Frillish is part Ghost type and Spike Cannon is a Normal type move, so the attack would have had no effect even it hit her (Then again love and jealously isn't exactly objective...)

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MaskedKitsune commented at 2018-01-24 22:08:38 » #2205846

They don't have it anymore, they gave all the Pokemon they caught in Unova to Giovanni at the end of BW.

Woobat, Yamask, Frillish, and Amoonguss are Giovanni's Pokemon now.

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