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Anonymous commented at 2009-04-03 17:44:58 » #40845

.....i think they're running out of ideas... it looks kinda maybe "cyber victorian-esque" i dont know its kinda cool, but the art in games is just getting redundant. "the bigger the better" is not always true , for example , Poke'mon. i prefer red and blue compared to emerald and ruby, and all the giant ass monsters in diamond and pearl.

7 Points Flag
DarkMistress99 commented at 2009-06-20 00:46:50 » #65466

I'm gonna have to agree.
I mean...trying to either create or re-create somethin new only really works the frist few times. But after a while the ideas may seem good at first but are really stale...seriously...why not just re-use a version we all might know or loved.

[Oh and F.y.i im not just reffering to finalfantasy. Im reffering to anything that has a continueing series]

3 Points Flag
NishtheDish commented at 2009-10-17 21:35:49 » #132644

Yeah, I understand that feeling. At least we can take solace in the fact that these designs are b/c each summon transforms into something else. So The Shiva sisters have all that stuff b/c they both grab each other and turn into a motorcycle (everyone can switch b/w fighting WITH their summon as a team or riding them as one fighter. All that extra stuff is parts of the bike...the staleness factor still applies (13 games), but at least it makes ya feel better (always look on the bright side, never focus on the bad).

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-11-29 05:35:14 » #164047

creating something new isnt as easy as most people think. Sure there is alot of history and mythology in the world but most of it is used by someone else. So most people with long going series stay with the themes that are apparently drawing in the fans. I mean they are heading on 14 with Final Fantasy. The Tales Series have redundant themes with the heroic-villain and other themes and reused artes. Utimately all that matters is telling the story and sharing a vision.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-18 06:56:21 » #369124

Well i didn't agree with someone but atleast if you find some creative opinion that different from yours ,please just don't downvote it!! atleast try sharing your thought thank you.

2 Points Flag
KostasTheDark commented at 2011-01-30 01:41:30 » #601200

Anon1, the word you're looking for is "steampunk", I think. And I personally prefer a single Shiva, not twins, with my favorite being Yuna's (the first form I ever used). Now, about the different gods used through the series, it's not like they couldn't find other Ice gods to replace Shiva (not that I would recommend it), since they've already done it once with Ramuh and Ixion.

0 Points Flag