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abint commented at 2018-05-29 09:55:39 » #2243247

Mario hat, Nintendo pin, Switch pin, SNES pin, Nintendo 64 pin, GameCube pin, Wii pin, Yoshi egg hair ornament, Pikachu backpack, Triforce tattoo, Splatoon Thighhighs, Peach sneakers, Samus chain decoration, another Samus chain decoration, a Metroid chain decoration, Altean Royal emblem fingerless glove, Starfox bracelet... Now tell me what is the other bracelet?! I must now know

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-08-09 16:49:49 » #2268519

I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Nintendo kid

8 Points Flag
HunterPollock commented at 2023-03-23 18:18:40 » #2791376

Forget being a kid, this is pretty much what I look like still as an adult. Outfit included, where allowed of course.

0 Points Flag
willyFF7 commented at 2023-03-23 18:35:45 » #2791381


they'll never consider ....
-PC ports (mobile comes first wtf? How much more will we have to emulate)
- having a standard in performance/graphics after the Sega bit wars, basically never being better than PS other than being on the go which now they have steam deck making them inferior.
Just want to stay as inferior hardware with their admittedly superior software they would rather keep on a cardboard vr rather than an oculus/vive/index like device.

If the next console is a "switch-U/pro" and not a VR/PC compatible thing then *shrug*
This girl is cute and all and nintendo is awesome but a random person will make something more superior than much of their software the only strong point if GPT 4-5 and other things get better.

0 Points Flag
Nywa commented at 2023-03-23 18:47:38 » #2791383

Bruh of course Nintendo Hardware isnt the best its been like this for 20 years now but how about enjoying the games and thats it?

1 Points Flag
willyFF7 commented at 2023-03-23 18:55:35 » #2791389

Yeah idk why I had to state the obvious xD it just makes me less of a nintendo fan when they won't meet some minimum standards now in performance etc. & if w/e nft in future nintendo stuff is true, it's just fuel to the fire :(

Just want them to try real VR at least, even if motion sickness is their concern.

0 Points Flag
Nywa commented at 2023-03-23 19:00:19 » #2791391

Well, if you want VR on a console you have PSVR2. Sadly isnt compatible with PC, because they look amazing tbh. Lets hope they can bring atleast some really good games there

0 Points Flag
willyFF7 commented at 2023-03-23 19:29:35 » #2791397

Yeah lol I do want that but can't afford, will need unless RE4R comes to PCVR too.
Zelda, Pkmn n even Mario etc would be great in that format, but they're still in the 90s quite literally in some cases, with modern games at 20fps ps4 graphics (S/V)

0 Points Flag