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Anonymous commented at 2019-04-11 12:16:28 » #2363237

Bound to become incontinent at an early age...

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-11 12:19:07 » #2363238

Why ruin your body like that, when you are young and healthy and have such a nice cock and such a cute set of balls!!

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-06 17:21:12 » #2389789

I been doing it for the last 16 years as long as I do keep kegal exercises I'll as tight as ever.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-12-13 17:37:22 » #2469191

Why? Because it's fun to use your dildo.

9 Points Flag
derredslime commented at 2020-11-23 17:10:53 » #2577379

Apparently masturbating is "ruining your body" to the uninitiated. Sucks to suck.

7 Points Flag
penistorture commented at 2023-01-18 19:42:52 » #2777590


No, he's overstretching his butthole.

0 Points Flag
Galantamine commented at 2023-08-06 14:12:32 » #2822575

The anal sphincters (two of them) are extremely elastic. They're muscle tissue contracting/relaxing is what they do. If you actually do in fact "overstretch" them or overlying skin/mucous membrane, they tear, and it's called "anal fissure" and often doesn't heal without medical treatment (because the area has poor blood supply). And tends to itch/hurt and you will notice.

When people think there has been "overstretching" or the area is "weak" what they usually mean is pelvic floor muscle weakness or (inflamed) hemorrhoids. The pelvic floor is well, the muscles making up the "floor" of the pelvic cavity when standing, that support the structures/organs within, pretty much like a "sling" stretched out and anchored to the pelvic bones. These are skeletal muscles so yeah if they're weak do exercises such as Kegels. (Everyone has these same muscles; you hear about those for women since uterus and vagina are there in the pelvic cavity, thus supported by those muscles.)

Hemorrhoids, are actually vascular structures everyone has there, but they are susceptible to damage/slackening as happens to cause varicose veins. Can be caused by straining while defecating or lifting heavy stuff. Get plenty of fiber, supplements are fine to take, most "Western diet" eaters don't get enough. Defecation should typically involve little "push" at all. If it does prob you're at least mildly constipated and not getting enough. Also protip try elevating your legs or try the squat position. Also drink water (fiber retains water in the stool bulking it up).

With age most people develop some hemorrhoid slackening regardless because the body was designed by evolution, the blind watchmaker. Especially women who get pregnant (puts pressure on area). So see a professional. Most have seen more shit than you probably know, they chop up dead naked people in med school, you're not a special snowflake don't be embarrassed at them needing to exam you.

Also protip for anal play use LOTS of lube. Nothing should hurt if it does stop immediately something's wrong, don't "force" stuff. This has been today's porn anat. & phys. lesson.

2 Points Flag