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srviana commented at 2018-06-12 21:51:34 » #2248078

Why do they censure such beauty ?

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-06-12 23:22:56 » #2248095

Japan is afraid of becoming a crazy empire again which tried to take over the fricken world. As such many of their policies (a lot of them dating back to their constitution) are focused on "youth safety" or rather a focus on raising "healthy" kids - puritan shit like that. That is why for decades they have existed in a fucking Bizarro world of having TONS of porn and perverted content, but all of it heavily censored. Doujins are the same way as you guys already know. Thankfully Tankoubans often push shit to the very edge, often de-censoring previous works to a huge degree compared to what they started as to the point that the censorship is even more fucking pointless. Japan is a strange place indeed.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-01-26 09:52:10 » #2485354

This is the most uninformed comment I have ever read on gelbooru.

12 Points Flag