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Anonymous commented at 2019-12-04 19:43:49 » #2466003

The manga-ka of this manga seemed to deliberately want to emotionally injure his readers. (which made the comic even funnier).

He creates a scenario where a bunch of boys get treated like livestock by some crazy unlikable women. But just as the readers start to sympathize with the boys, the author shows us that the boys themselves are fairly despicable.

The main protagonist while the only one that was originally innocent, turns out to be the most despicable of all the boys. ALL the girls in the manga are interesting except for the one that he gets a crush on at the start of the manga. The girl he has a crush on believes he is a nice guy based on a lie he told her.

The manga now throws sort of secondary love interest into the story. This girl is a 10000x more interesting and cute than the original boring love interest. While there is some confusion there as well, this girl knows that the MC is a piece of trash but likes him for who he is. This girl is seriously flawed and many would argue that she is bitch.

The manga then ends with the MC choosing his original love interest. His original love interest manages to stay boring through the entire manga. The MC is a garbage human through the whole manga... the love interest even says that she knows that he is trash and that he lied and that he was basically unfaithful together with the secondary love interest... and... the manga ends with the trash MC and the boring 1st love interest becoming a couple while the actual interesting love interest that the manga showed the reader should have been the the choice in the end... get blown the fuck out.

In the end the author gave the total creep trash MC the girl he always liked (even though she was boring as hell and Hannah was better), and all his betrayal never saw him punished in the end. The MC arguably ended up being more of a garbage human at the ened of the manga then when it started.

The 2ndary love interest whom had actually grown as a character, and despite being a bitch, acted like a real person and did bad things because she liked the MC... loses and all her struggle and trying to be a better person is met with a getting the door slammed into her face.

This among other points in the story, made the whole comic one big troll.

It was glorious and I cried a lot.

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