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Anonymous commented at 2018-08-27 20:08:02 » #2274648

I can imagine that this is a school where some girls are chosen to be cock cleaners at a certain age and when one escapes, the boys would capture her and get her to do her job. In her case the boy casually grabs her face and pushes his dick in while another one is holding her down, he purposefully dirties his dick to teach her how to do her job properly, she starts crying s it's her first time but realizes her situation and abides by her captors orders, however, just to teach her a lesson for escaping the guy holds her head still letting the other boy thrust in and out of her mouth however he likes doing this to humiliate her and show her what her position is now which seems to work as she gags on his dick and accept the boy's seed. he would be the first on to use her, and she now realizes that it was stupid of her to scream while her first master rubbed his tool against her face

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-12-13 19:33:35 » #2313495

No this girl is a neat freak that is the class bitch.. so they punish her with filth. And rape.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-12-13 21:27:19 » #2313525

Queen Bee, more like Queen Three (Frames of Animation).

2 Points Flag