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Anonymous commented at 2019-08-06 19:56:31 » #2419318

Translated. The joke is that pizza in Japan is often quite different from legit pizza that you might find in Italy. My Italian friends in Japan often comment about it. Sometimes you would find corn or Kewpie mayonnaise on Japanese pizza. Sometimes it wouldn't even have tomato sauce, just cheese and meat.

The reason of course was that there was never a large Italian community in Japan. Japanese chefs kinda just copied it from afar, using local ingredients. For example, I'm told corn is added because it adds that European feel, since European traders brought corn to Japan (from their travels in the New World). So even when Italian restaurants are opened by actual Italian people, in order to stay in business they sometimes need to give in to the public perception of pizza rather than what they know to be authentic.

However, authentic pizza does exist in Japan here and there. It's just not what Japanese people would initially think about when they think of pizza.

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