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Anonymous commented at 2018-11-20 13:17:54 » #2304428

What’s her backstory? What is the reason or nature to her dual persona? Why does even her thug persona feel compelled to stick around? Is her bad side capable of changing and becoming a better person like some of the other former villains in DB? Why does she have feelings for Tien and when and how did those feelings develop? What kind of future can those two have together? It’s too bad we’ll never get answers to any of these but look forward to whatever next powerful opponent that shows up and how Goku will become even stronger with a new unheard of power up and see him fight one on one while everyone looks on in awe and hopelessly struggles to close up the ever expanding power gap and stay relevant but at least we have some laughs on the side right? I’ll always have a place for DB in my heart but I won’t ever defend or attempt to explain away many of its actual glaring flaws.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-11-20 17:51:17 » #2304488

I am 100 percent sure that you wouldn't get those answers even if she stuck around. DB is not that deep of a series.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-11-20 23:52:41 » #2304598

True, people still debate whether or not Tien is human. Like there's so many characters and most of them don't really get too much time or have a clear backstory that aren't just theories, speculation or subject to being retconned.

2 Points Flag