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Eajry commented at 2018-12-15 13:04:17 » #2314083

Dear Anon,
I know unfortunately this won't be read by you, but I'm posting this for anyone else that might be as idiotic as you and incapable of using their brain for the most basic thought.
1.) This is a site for UPLOADERS, uploaders bring images to the site and upload them so people can view them. Gelbooru, nor danbooru (or any of the upload sites) do absolutely ANYTHING to the images, nor do they themselves release content. They're merely PLATFORMS for people, much like Twitch (was).
2.) *Sigh* Most Hentai is released in Japan. Japan has censoring laws. They have been around for a while now. This is nothing new, the fact that its been what, like 15 years and there are still people under a rock baffles me. YES, there are JAPANESE artists that make images uncensored, but they're usually edits made by people in other countries. Any Japanese artists that do release stuff uncens usually are just below the radar, or eventually get prosecuted.
3.) I'm actually embarrassed for you, because (1) I could show a child this site and they'd be able to figure out that concept with absolutely no help. Learn to use your brain to formulate ideas before attacking your keyboard like Trump takes to twitter. This is literally that level of stupid FYI to someone half-way intelligent looking in on the situation.

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