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Anonymous commented at 2018-12-23 21:17:18 » #2316710

Just thinking, but...

In this picture the dude is screwing Tharja and her future daughter at the same time. But if he makes Tharja pregnant, doesn't that mean he'd be screwing his own daughter by doing this? But if he realizes that and backs out, will that make her not his daughter again? Will she fade from existence? Or do different timelines come into play? Or is trying to avert it pointless because it'll all happen anyway?

This shit is confusing, man.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-12-23 22:41:06 » #2316730

Why do you think about it? Just fap!

8 Points Flag
AlwaysJohn commented at 2018-12-24 04:08:12 » #2316811

It's not incest if you screw your future daughter first.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-12-24 09:07:22 » #2316875

You're ignoring the possibility that Noire is someone else's daughter, and that the dude fucking them is someone capable of dating second generation Shepherds who Tharja is obsessed with the to point of being willing to cuck her husband with him.

Robin is married to Lon'qu!Noire and giving his mother in-law a most salacious Christmas present.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-12-24 22:04:42 » #2317094

Or look at it in this perspective. She's your daughter from the future. But she's not your daughter from the present. Urgo, from your perspective, she's not your daughter as your daughter has not been born yet. But thinking like that, that is pretty much a huge slap across the face from her perspective.

3 Points Flag
onlyregistere commented at 2021-01-14 11:44:42 » #2586977

> But if he makes Tharja pregnant, doesn't that mean he'd be screwing his own daughter by doing this?
Yes, and she's a ten like her mother, so fill 'er up!

1 Points Flag