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Anonymous commented at 2018-12-26 04:46:35 » #2317471

I love how flexible she is, yet one of my biggest complains in this is how she is barely resisting just because she has her hands tied, just kick him in the balls with those metal boots and he will not bother you ever again. Remember the first time he raped her? she was screaming, begging, trying to run away, etc. and he was blackmailing her with raping her cousin back there, this is just too softcore because the company was bought by someone else.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-12-26 18:59:30 » #2317663

^ Some of your desatisfaction is justified but.What do you expect is hentai logic, its not really the type of shit you expect to have an indepth lore.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-12-27 03:32:24 » #2317804

I don't think a simple kick to the balls would stop him from raping her. It might make him more pissed.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-12-27 07:46:39 » #2317846

^ he is not really pissed, just horny like a dog in heat, a kick in the balls with metal boots might calm him down a bit.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-12-27 07:58:23 » #2317850

anon#2317663 well yeah, I guess I have to agree with you since that's the case in most hentais.
Though everyone loves the plot in the Fate franchise and that's originally a hentai game. And in my opinion Monmusu Quest visual novel had one of the best stories ever.
So sometimes you can expect indepth lore in some hentai, yet this is clearly just the kind of that's supposed to be just fap material.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-01-23 02:00:27 » #2326891

"And in my opinion Monmusu Quest visual novel had one of the best stories ever."

Lol funny. Also, the original Fate is not really a hentai game, it's just a story that shows the sex scenes, cuz people have sex, and is less than 1% of the entire story.

Lastly, anyone who is complaining about the "realism" of a true 100% H anime like this, needs to find a better use of their time.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-02-04 10:38:37 » #2332502

"the Fate franchise is originally a hentai game"

No, it's not.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-21 11:13:24 » #2367818

Old man sure can squat better than me.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-04-04 11:19:42 » #2509237

This scene was looking really good until he changed his position.

2 Points Flag