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Anonymous commented at 2018-12-27 09:11:20 » #2317864

Thanks for the upload!

2 Points Flag
Mikewifi commented at 2018-12-27 15:30:00 » #2317955

Translated. Here's some tidbits that are specified in the source, but not explained in the image.

-The mom is currently ovulating.
-The "tear gas" is very weak.
-In its resting position, only the tip of the dildo is inside of her.
-Both the mom and the son's shoes have been left outside the front door. It doesn't mention any change of clothes for the mother besides the shoes, so I guess the idea is that she either goes home naked or covers herself up a bit with some of her son's clothes.

The "christmas" part of this image is the fact that the son gets a present, but only if he's a good kid who does his best to help his mother.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-12-27 20:06:59 » #2318021

Mikewifi, can you please have a look at gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4500970 ?

I really want to know what the notes on that one are.

2 Points Flag
Mikewifi commented at 2018-12-27 20:35:33 » #2318031

I plan on tackling that one eventually. I'm currently working on the short story accompanying gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4374494 which I'm about two thirds done with now. Once I have that one finished up I'll probably move on to the one you linked, which is a sort of continuation of the first short story.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-12-28 14:53:45 » #2318267

Another amusing and interesting predicament; I'm really loving the creativity with these, to be honest.

If I understand the gist of the predicament, her son is told that he should get the box down from above the trampoline and use the key to help his mother. Unfortunately, this triggers the "failure" result, with traditional semen pumping and electric vibrator punishment.

While he's trying to get the key, he'll be jumping on the trampoline. Each jump will thrust the dildo into mom. Further, she needs to keep her legs spread apart; letting her legs get together will lower the box, probably enough that her son can reach it. If she can keep him from getting the key for 3 hours, her bindings unlock and she's free to leave.

The two things I don't understand currently are, what's the tube in her mouth for, and what's the tear gas supposed to do?

3 Points Flag
TheGlowworm commented at 2018-12-28 15:25:34 » #2318273

Any fluids she may leak during her confinement are collected by the sink below her and then fed into the tube in her mouth (mentioned in a textbox in the picture)
As for the tear gas, I would assume it is to punish her for staying in the room once the whole situation is over instead of leaving naked (the additional commentary mentions that she is given no clothes to cover up with).

4 Points Flag
ColdFusion commented at 2021-01-11 21:47:20 » #2586512

The best part is she doesn't get inseminated when he gets the present, she gets inseminated when he enters the room, so he can watch the moment she orgasms.

4 Points Flag