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Anonymous commented at 2019-01-01 00:23:37 » #2319447

Wait, Krillin wished for the bomb in 18 to be removed when Bulma literally already removed a bomb from 16 and has extensive knowledge of 17 and 18’s designs from looking at their blueprints and was able to make a remote to shut them down... I would say that it was a waste of a wish but he is banging her now so good call I guess.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-03-17 14:47:43 » #2502995

Anon 1: 16 was purely mechanical. 17 and 18 are human with cybernetic enhancements. Something Bulma has no experience with. It's less like mechanical work, and more like surgery.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-03-17 19:02:00 » #2503048

I’m pretty sure the blueprints she looked at were of 17’s though and he’s closer to 18 in size, model number and design. Plus she developed shrink tech that would work on humans, a time machine and figured out alien tech. To say that she couldn’t manage to get the bomb out is seriously underestimating her abilities. She is to brains as Goku is to brawn.

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