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Anonymous commented at 2019-01-05 14:57:26 » #2321037

Happy new year 2019.

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Anonymous commented at 2019-01-05 14:59:25 » #2321038

Speaking of which, who's gonna draw Yuko and haruo kimono outfit
For 2019 it's also happy new year 2019

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-03-23 18:43:48 » #2354520

More pictures of them XDD
I ship the protagonist with her!!
She's soo hot!

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-03-31 13:17:48 » #2358302

Shipping with who? Yuko or moth twins?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-06 13:37:49 » #2360974

With Moth twins absolutely!
It was the best from the entire film on my opinion.
I still thinking they should have made the whole trilogy using 2D animation instead of the CGI
It isn't consider Anime!!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-10 16:58:16 » #2362908

I still find yuko more interesting than twins,
She had a lot potential to be haruo love interest but director
Had to fuck it up. Which I am still mad!!

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-11 17:15:25 » #2363338

The director didn't fuck anything up, he told the story he wanted to tell. Just because you didn't like how it turned out doesn't mean they "fucked up".

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-23 20:00:23 » #2368807

2363338 no it isn't, they did fucked up. Look in the review in Godzilla city on the edge of battle. In Wikipedia and wikizilla page fandom movie. The movie received criticism for 4.5/10 and A- by Naoya Fujita and callum may. Fujita said the movie was very undeveloped and difficult to to empathize with, saying "the motivation of the characters and the reasons for their behavior so unclear to the audience that whatever happens as the story unfolds. Fujita has also said that protagonist ( haruo Sakaki ) no matter how tragic or hopeless the protagonist pilot becomes, it's difficult to care. He also says the disappointment of cinematic battle and not feature Godzilla city destroying, and hated it the part where character were being dumb and should been focused on scavenging, creating weapons, and not even forming a group plan. Fujita also criticized haruo character and his dialogue such as comes across as "Self centered racial dogma". And saying human and alien work side by side, Such as the mass effect series. He also says acknowledges that the film may trying to depict a hero who fails to make the right decision in the heat of the moments means is a good choice but a bad choice. But however he said that haruo character is a difficult protagonist to sympathize with. Meaning everyone who sees haruo for making making stupid or dumb choice and decisions and sometimes a not stupid choice. Also the fact the everyone sees haruo as Eren Yeager from attack on Titan which they hate it. Part 1/2 comment

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Anonymous commented at 2019-04-23 20:08:50 » #2368810

Second callum may said the film is good and having deeper story and also handles haruo character in a much appealing way and properly explores his motivations and expand on the first film. May likes the dark twist and ideas by gen Urobuchi. He also praise polygon picture standard. And he described the vultures flying around mechagodzilla city as the highlight of the film. But however, May criticism has to be the character development in the film. While haruo and bilusaludo receive more evolution as characters. May argues that many character of the other characters stills receive little to set them apart. However he did not like and not feel about how yuko didn't receive Much character development and less screen time and focus about her a lot he criticized that yuko and haruo relationship should have been more focused and having showing yuko backstories about haruo and they gave her less personality and not knowing anything about her. Which made people triggered or mad that she had more screentime in the first film but not much screentime in the second film and same goes third film. Also Shizuno and Hiroyuki already knew they weren't traditional for Godzilla for understands his character and lore and getting threat and backlash a lot but they fine and they regret to second film for not bring mechagodzilla fight to Godzilla earth but hey and made the third film good but sometimes not good but with 8/10 and 6/10 reviews scores also noted that Shizuno himself says he will directed the Godzilla anime novel prequel takes after the planet of the monsters and along with Hiroyuki and confirmed it however he doesn't know when will shown in between in 2020 or something.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-23 20:10:26 » #2368811

Ignored the double to in empathize

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