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Anonymous commented at 2019-01-15 08:20:08 » #2324204

She’s sexy enough as it is but with her hair down I feel like she’d be way too beautiful and sexy that kids would probably end up feeling bad that she’s always on the losing side. Lots of young boys would likely root for the bad guys and definitely be on an even faster track to puberty.

So as much as I love seeing her hair down and think it’s an overall better look, her hair being showy and large makes a lot of sense in many ways. The villains are loud, brazen and overly dramatic so their look should reflect that.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-01-28 08:39:28 » #2328707

Hell yeah Anon^!! She is the sexiest of 'em all!! I fapped to her when I was 11 and now that I'm 31 I still fap to her!! xD

0 Points Flag