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Anonymous commented at 2019-02-09 09:59:44 » #2334405

I really like this one. The lucky girl is being forced to use a VR visor to fuck herself via the robot behind her. I don't think that would be very easy at all.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-02-09 16:58:18 » #2334521

Need a translation

4 Points Flag
Mikewifi commented at 2019-02-10 17:39:30 » #2334917

Translated. Here's some tidbits that aren't totally clear in the image, but are mentioned by the artist in the source:

-The counter starts at its max, 7000
-Her change of clothes is a pair of shoes and the jacket of a school uniform (just the jacket, nothing else)

If you run the calculations, she can move at any speed that is a multiple of 0.5 seconds, because of the delay between her movements and the machine's movements. The most realistic tempo is probably 1 thrust a second, which would take about two hours to complete. She could go beast mode and do 2 thrusts a second, which would only take her an hour. That tempo probably isn't doable while also making sure the dildo goes in and out all the way, though.

However long it takes her, she at least has a nice view.

12 Points Flag
codemonkey2012 commented at 2019-02-10 20:08:37 » #2334972

Holyshit, he's back! Mikewifi came back!

0 Points Flag
KinkyTrill commented at 2022-02-02 19:36:27 » #2685466

How long do you think till we have machines like this?

0 Points Flag