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Anonymous commented at 2019-03-03 20:20:20 » #2344181

She kinda looks like Casca.

24 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-25 13:24:23 » #2369642

She DOES, doesn't she? Of course, this girl's chubbier whereas Casca is slender and well-built, but she has the dark skin and short hair!

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-09-22 06:56:03 » #2437469

Too bad this right here is it. Of all the 20 something minutes of the whole thing, this is all we get to see from her, while the other generic sluts get a whole lot more of screentime.

Justice for dark skinned and short haired girls in eroanime!

29 Points Flag
XerBlade commented at 2019-12-06 07:54:12 » #2466501

Although the whole "the track and field member character is a dark skinned and short haired girl" cliche has been old for many years already.

And you might be thinking "but that makes sense because doing sports outdoors gets you tanned and short hair is better for running!" In which case... exhibit A: No tanlines. Exhibit B: ponytails. Exhibit C: Literally every other outdoor-sports-club-member female character in anime that isn't the central track and field stereotype is light-skinned with a ponytail.

11 Points Flag
Randomguy710 commented at 2020-06-29 00:58:45 » #2548083

I prefer her instead the red haired. She's perfect!

7 Points Flag