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Anonymous commented at 2019-02-26 05:37:10 » #2341467

Well technically she’s not an android nor is she an artificial human or whatever and she has a daughter so everything is wrong. But maybe this takes place before she got with Krillin or a different timeline and they don’t know better, after all she’s still sporting the RR insignia for some reason.

Also it probably would’ve been better if they drew this earlier so she could’ve conveniently been Waifu 18. Just Saiyan.

3 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2019-02-26 06:25:49 » #2341475

That's the joke.

12 Points Flag
Y2LNosneb commented at 2019-02-26 07:47:39 » #2341491

Exactly, I don't get why people are arguing over this on twitter and instagram. It's just a freaking joke smh

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-03-16 07:27:00 » #2351142

Its a joke but she did keep the name Android 18. Tho some ppl need to relax and stop trying to puzzle in logic with hentai content. Its just funny to read these comments when the first thing they missed is that she would never have an interest in being a slut.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-03-16 07:53:43 » #2351149

I remember watching DB Super and she said that she won't get tired and can hold out longer than other fighters in a fight, because she is an android. This was obviously after Krillin's wish and her having a kid. Had me puzzled.
In other words: the writers themselves don't even know.

0 Points Flag
AGiantRainbowSpaceWhale commented at 2019-04-12 00:41:47 » #2363462

She's a cyborg, not an android. Toriyama basically cleared that up, but at this point, they're keeping the "Android" title, because it's basically just stuck now.

This clears most of it up, albeit it's never clarified or specified in the manga or anime as far as i'm aware: dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Android#Types

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