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Anonymous commented at 2020-02-08 08:08:33 » #2489658

I take it the artist completely MISSED the point of MGE...

2 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2021-07-28 12:41:33 » #2633815

Dude (please don't be offended if you're a girl, I call everyone dude) I can't tell you how many MGE fanfics I read where people think cities ran by the monsters are unclean and have sewage running the streets when the books make it clear the monsters actually has a more clean and advance city than the Order (they even have neon-lights and submarines in some of the coastal cities). It's mentioned even the Undead Kingdom is clean and lacks filth and you know the undead don't rot because magic, or the robo girls are as soft as flesh and blood.

People are just too lazy to read.

3 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2021-07-28 12:43:44 » #2633816

If any place has sewage running the streets in the MGE, it's the order ran cities. The rich and powerful don't give a fuck about the commoners. The monsters and Lilith love humanity and the succubi magic in the air makes clean air, removes filth and provides fertile crops and clean water.

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