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Anonymous commented at 2019-03-23 18:20:09 » #2354506

I just wish that the series art was half as good as the fanart. 3D animation is just not ready for primetime unless you have a billion dollar company behind you.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-03-24 22:50:22 » #2355144

In other words, the series isn't the problem as much as 'fans' like you are...


5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-20 23:59:59 » #2396660

...Noted what? That the person wishes the art style was better and/or different in a show they watch?... That seems like a perfectly valid and non-problematic thing for a fan of something to state... RoosterTeeth and RWBY are not above criticism.
Is it a problem that fans of One Punch aren't happy about the change in art style for season 2?
Was it a problem that fans and watchers of The Dragon Prince pointed out the rather noticeable flaws with the 3D animation? Especially in the early parts of season 1?
Is it really such a problem for fans of something to hope for better? Aren't fans suppose to want the thing they are a fan of to be good?

12 Points Flag