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Anonymous commented at 2019-04-22 10:17:15 » #2368239

I hope in MK12, she doesn’t start screaming sonic waves, do flying punches or start wearing yellow as tribute or anything.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-23 16:39:26 » #2368747

I always thought the narrative being told of the Edenian characters was interesting and solid. That they were a peaceful and fantastical realm, a place and people of beauty, power, wisdom and longevity that were progressive. They dressed as they pleased and didn’t care about being judged because they were above that, it was essentially an Eden, a paradise that many would want which is why Shao Khan coveted it and conquered it.

It sucks that they went back on what was established and covered up the characters that seem to dress the way they do for a reason. Skarlet even covers up herself completely even though her whole deal was originally absorbing people’s blood through her skin which made her stronger, she was essentially Elizabeth Bathory but now she’s a blood witch with slightly different backstory and abilities I guess. I seriously hope the people who take issue with the way that women dress in fictional, escapist entertainment can now dismember, mutilate and cause horrible bloody, gory violent deaths without getting their panties in a bunch.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-23 17:47:52 » #2368772

I think the whole timeline thing with MK pretty much means they don’t have to keep their story straight and can do whatever they want. So just like with DC, get ready for loose continuity.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-23 20:29:03 » #2368818

^Bingo, they learned plenty of ways to push their shitty writing from working with the comic characters.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-27 01:57:48 » #2370382

The narrative wasn’t nearly deep enough to show or explain how Edenian people dressed. Kitana always dressed like a ninja cause she was Shao Kahn’s personal assassin. It wasn’t until MK9 that they suddenly changed her costume to being some exotic dancer shit that doesn’t fit her character at all. MK has never been consistent with designs or costumes either; they constantly changed them in every fucking game. Her MK11 costume is actually a lot more in character than her MK9 costume: at least she looks like a fucking ninja again.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-28 02:22:47 » #2370874

Sindel dresses similarly to her daughter Kitana, Jade and Tanya in despite being much older. Personally I always thought Kitana kind of dressed sexually since 3 and I think between Deadly Alliance and Armageddon is when Mileena’s outfit changed more from Kitana and Jade since they were essentially palette swaps, Kitana and Jade still showed quite a bit of skin but Mileena was the one that embraced her sexuality. I guess it was in 9 where they ramped the sexiness up even further with bikini Skarlet and Mileena in bandages but the Edenians still dressed similarly, showing lots of skin and wearing masks with exceptions to Queen Sindel and Tanya who was a traitor.

1 Points Flag