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Anonymous commented at 2019-04-26 09:20:29 » #2370066

I can see how this went down.

Chun-Li was out of town on strict police business. She went to a local gym to lift some weights as to not skip leg day.

Chun was then ravaged by an amazon futa babe who could not help but notice Chun's juicy figure and muscular thighs while squatting.

They both end up getting some extra exercise...

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-26 12:50:32 » #2370142

Considering the gym advertises itself as being full of futas maybe Chun-Li didn't go there to lift and instead went for this.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-26 13:56:47 » #2370160

I mean it's not a farfetched story. Chun-Li even brags about her "daily workouts" in some of her win quotes in SF. This could have just been the only gym in her area at a given time and was just trying to get dome squats in.

And just because the gym has a futa emblem doesn't mean people go there just get fucked by them. Kinda like how are gay bars are establishments that cater specifically to gay people...but you don't HAVE to be gay to get some drinks there

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-26 22:13:58 » #2370326

When someone who looks like she does has a body like that walks into a place wearing something that allows her to move freely and get sweaty in, anyone with a cock that has the need to stick it in something is not gonna want to get a pump on unless they’re pumping it into her.

Let’s just say something was rock hard in that gym when she walked in and it wasn’t their abs.

7 Points Flag