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Anonymous commented at 2019-05-19 18:53:57 » #2380689

There’s just something about an immortal, young and hot looking Egyptian princess that’s almost always naked that I really like.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-21 13:49:57 » #2396927

Personally, I'm more in favor of the elf with a rock hard physique. Don't know why that isn't more popular in fantasy given that elves are traditionally archers and archers using anything beefier than a modern sports bow tend to be really freaking jacked.

In fact, in real life, nobody wanted to fight an archer up close because they tended to carry things like maces for self defense and had the upper body strength to pummel you to death with frightening ease.

Turns out that practicing with what amounts to a bowflex day in and day out gives you amazing arms, pecs, and core.

4 Points Flag