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Anonymous commented at 2019-05-29 06:19:26 » #2385444

Now then, girls, what's all this I hear about all five of you expressing an interest in losing your respective virginity's?

We were talking amongst ourselves and we all agreed to lose our virginity's provided you'd be the person who would take our virginity's?

You want me to take all of your virginity's?

Why not? We all like you and we certainly wouldn't mind losing our virginity's to you on one condition?

And what condition is that? When you're taking our virginity's everyone watches them lose it?

I'm okay with that, but I have one condition, as well, and that is I'd like you all to wear black pantyhose and white panties when I set about taking your virginity's?

We're okay with that request.

Okay, girls, I need to ask you all a very personal question and that is when are all of your respective periods supposed to be falling due next?

Mine is due in a weeks time. Two weeks for me. My period's just started. Mine has just finished and mine is due in just over two weeks time.

Okay, Miyuki. I'll take yours first.

Okay, as you can see I'm wearing black pantyhose and as you can also see I'm wearing white panties.

Okay, girls, I think we can get the ball rolling then.

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