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Anonymous commented at 2019-06-15 16:47:10 » #2394017

This is actually a lot nicer than her creepily trying to get her underaged daughter into a relationship with him. I mean it’s great that the mother approves and all but her daughter’s not even really into romance or guys yet and her mom is trying to push her onto his dick. Maybe if her daughter openly fancied him and her mother was actually supportive and helped try to make connections, that’d be something. But instead it feels like an arranged marriage which actually isn’t unusual for royalty and still happens in more traditional and conservative cultures but feels kind of uncomfortable to many out there.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-16 22:46:50 » #2394800

I'll give you two reasons: One, the old queen is less likely to carry the baby to term, or even get pregnant, than the young princess. Two, adding siblings rather than a new generation complicates succession and can instigate backstabbing or even result in split kingdoms or civil war. When it comes to royal families you need to establish the next generation of inheritance ASAP so everybody knows where they stand. These two having sex for pleasure is fine, but it's not a viable succession strategy.

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-06-19 05:14:48 » #2395833

There is still a chance she can bear a child. With this being a traditional monarchy I assume she got married around 16-17 after which she immediately got pregnant. Now with her daughter being about that same age now It's possible the queen is only in her mid thirties. This alone is enough to assume she's still fertile not even counting the fact that she is a royalty and has been leading a way of life appropriate to her status which must mean she's also in good health.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-07-27 17:07:08 » #2414552

Dude you are looking way too far into this. It's porn, that's all there is to it

26 Points Flag