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Anonymous commented at 2019-07-15 09:25:40 » #2409316

Not gonna lie, would try to smash.

20 feet, 800 pounds of dragon snu snu.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-07-16 15:24:24 » #2409827

The artist doesn't understand the Square-Cubed Law.

The dragon-lady in question should be way more massive.
If you scaled her down to a human sized two meters, her mass would be the square of the size change. 380*(6.3/2)^3
She'd be 12.16 kg (or about 28 lbs. at 6' 6").

If she didn't have a tail I would maybe grant 60 kg at 2 m, but she has to be at least 100 kg with that tail.
at 6.3 m she'd be 3126 kg (1.5 tons at 20').

Dragon snu snu got a bit more dangerous....

6 Points Flag