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Anonymous commented at 2019-07-15 03:55:11 » #2409266

i dont really like futas nor do i like things going up my bum but goddamn id let her pound me

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-07-15 15:27:31 » #2409435

Well, if you're into girls there's always a nice chance of liking or feeling attracted to futas. Or feel like letting them do stuff to you/you do to them.

Futas are just girls (contrary to what most people mistaken them for other stuff nowadays) and a nice fantasy female plus good looking art/girl makes it easier to feel that despite the dick. It's only normal for people who gets the difference and the fact they're females.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-07-16 23:48:10 » #2409991

That is NOT where the penis is places

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-07-27 13:27:47 » #2414474

She's pushing her ass out and pulling her pelvis back, so the penis goes down and in.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-08 19:56:02 » #2420218

I can honestly understand the sentiment on not being attracted to futas, since it seems like the majority of futa art isn't exactly... appealing, at least to my personal taste. Some of it tends to feature man-girls (abs, tight muscles, etc). And a lot of it tends to feature either MASSIVELY over-sized bust, an over-sized pelvis or both. In fact, IMO, the pelvis on this girl is rather large. I don't mind oversized penises so much on a futa (unless it's the size of a fucking building), but if more artists would at least do other proportions more appropriately, futa probably wouldn't have as much of a stigma.

8 Points Flag