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jedi1357 commented at 2019-07-18 11:09:31 » #2410589


It takes wonderful people to make wonderful works, and in that sense, the people at Kyoto Animation are wonderful and talented people. Though it is hard to get over the tragedy that had just happened, I believe they can, and they will.

If you don't know what happened :

There is a gofundme up if anyone wants to support it :

29 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-07-18 14:26:21 » #2410675

A complete tragedy, it breaks my heart that so many innocent lives was sadly killed, it's very hurtful by not only the anime community, but in animation in general. Please give support to those who lost their loved ones and the studio who provided so many wonderful work for our entertainment. Help Kyoto animation heal.

26 Points Flag
DoctorWasabi commented at 2019-07-19 11:05:26 » #2411022

Rest in peace to those that lost their lives to that horrible person

They were passionate hard working individuals that wanted to give joy to millions of people.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-07-28 23:40:05 » #2415230

I send my condolences, this is a terrible tragedy.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-04-04 09:44:16 » #2509201

You know that people like that dude kill other people but when I was watching utube some Atheist said that People don't do that God does you know what that Morther fucker pissed me off so I said too him why don't you spit your hate talk some were Els!!!!!!!

0 Points Flag