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Anonymous commented at 2019-07-21 00:21:49 » #2411648

Sorry Cell but as far as androids go, she’s closer to perfect than you.

21 Points Flag
umknown commented at 2021-04-23 17:18:46 » #2607585

Cell would just tail suck her, and power up!

0 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2021-04-23 18:33:51 » #2607596

@Anon1 Cell was (almost) perfectly balanced, his only downsides was his muscles bulged too much restricting his movement at 100% power and he had some of the worst aspects of the Z fighter's personality along with the best, such as Vegeta's pride.

But Android 21 and especially Majin Android 21 makes up for any shortcoming by being insanely powerful. Not that Cell wasn't insanely powerful, but if he was someone's RPG character he'd have his points more evenly distributed between all his stats while Majin Android 21 invest most or all her points in one or two stats out of five or six.

Hope that analogy works.

@Umknown if she isn't strong enough to pull the tail off her. Or quick enough to just turn him into candy first.

0 Points Flag
umknown commented at 2021-04-23 18:57:14 » #2607603

@living corpse I have a feeling imperfect Cell would 100% ambush. It'd be interesting if cell got majin powers.

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