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Anonymous commented at 2019-09-24 21:10:09 » #2438501

There are actually legitimately good reasons not to fuck Kiara. 1: She is a sexual bottomless pit and can never be truly satisfied by ANYONE by the very nature of her being. 2: Sex with her feels so good you will be unable to even comprehend sex with anyone else but her ever again. 3: When she inevitably gets bored with you, you'll wind up killing yourself in despair because she becomes literally the only reason you live. Everyone thinks "It won't happen to me" but it can, will, does and has happened to her followers. 4: Attempting to control or discipline her never works because she's too masochistic. In other words, you can't win by loving her, and you can't win by abusing her. If you want a dirty Servant that badly, fuck Medb or Chloe or one of the Sakura clones.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-11-13 07:09:18 » #2458037

So basically, she's thot supreme?

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-11-13 15:44:10 » #2458151

Just sic Hans on her for the rest of her Servant life and call it a day.

3 Points Flag
Zombie-sama1577 commented at 2021-06-09 05:01:08 » #2619624

thot too stronk
dick can't win
send help

3 Points Flag