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Anonymous commented at 2019-08-18 05:51:44 » #2424066


*later that day*

♩~I'm a poor, lonesome Miko~♩
♪~I'm out to catch 'sum Hijiri felon~♪
♬~And this poor lonesome Miko~♬
♫~Has got a long, long way to Heaven~♫
♩~Over Youkai mountain through Genbu ravine~♩
♪~From dawn 'till day is done~♪
♬~My Kuro-chan and me keep riding~♬
♫~Into the setting sun~♫

♩~There are gals who just figure~♩
♬~Have a problem with Danmaku~♬
♪~But in the end it all will pan out~♪
♫~All according to my keikaku~♫
♩~'Cuz problems'll solve much better~♩
♬~When I rule over all~♬
♪~My Koma-chan and me keep ridin'~♪
♫~I ain't nobody's ⑨~♫

♬~I'm a poor, lonesome Miko~♬
♪~But it doesn't bother me~♪
♫~'Cuz this poor, lonesome Miko~♫
♩~Prefers Saki-chan for company~♩
♬~Got nothin' against Seiga~♬
♪~But she kinda creeps me out~♪
♫~With her love for fetus corpses~♫
♩~My Pegasus and me ride, uh, ou- out... ~ ♩

Saki: Awesome! You rhymed "out" with "out!":D
Miko: Don't patronize me... =__=

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