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Anonymous commented at 2019-08-25 08:42:37 » #2426877

It honestly feels like Raditz could’ve been just some random Saiyan that came down to recruit one of their own. The fact that they were related or brothers even had no real significance.

I mean I guess it makes Saiyans out to be kind of stupid dicks. Your kind is on the brink of extinction, your mother and father are dead and this complete stranger who’s pretty much all grown up is the last vestige of your family, your long lost brother... I’m gonna beat him up and take his kid. Also let’s not even get into the fact that Vegeta has seen Goku’s son, his potential, the fact that a pure blooded Saiyan can have a kid with an earthling and have no interest in the using the planet to restart the Saiyan race. He was just here for the wish granting balls and even tried to blow the planet up during his fight. A race of overpowered knuckle heads.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-25 09:08:18 » #2426885

Frankly it baffles me that it never occurred to Vegeta to use the dragon balls to bring back his people, especially after seeing how many Namekians were brought back with them. I thought it might’ve been cool to see the Saiyans revived and now fully aware of Frieza’s treachery, pretty much what Frieza was dreading... until he decides to hit the gym for a couple of months and becomes godlike.

The Saiyan probably died way too long ago and it’s impossible to bring them back now but it would’ve been nice to see Vegeta care enough about his dead people to at least try. Also his race is nearly extinct and he still killed his second in command, now knowing that Saiyans come back stronger after every battle it seems like a really dumb decision not to just shove his fat ass in a space pod, send him home for recovery and take care of the earthlings himself.

If Frieza didn’t kill them, I’m pretty sure Darwinism would’ve gotten them eventually.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-25 18:18:48 » #2427048

I don't think it's ever been outright stated but I think Vegetables realized that majority, nearly ALL Saiyans were murderous bastards that deserved to die. Hell even he was one until he got too stuck and defeating Gokurot and ended up spending too much time on Earth and inside Bulma. Not to mention that Saiyans typically die young due to their combative nature, so eventually even without Freeza, Cold, or any other Frigidaire race being they all would've gone extinct eventually. Because he eventually became a nice guy is why he grew to care for Cabbage and the other gentle Saiyans from Universe Six and was hellbent on using the Super Dragon Macguffins to save Sadla if he needed to. At one point Universe Seven Saiyans were gentle and heroic until they learned that as a race they were stronger than most people and decided to hunt other races and steal/explode their planets. He wants to preserve the peace and he can't very well do that by reviving a planet full of assholes.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-26 07:36:26 » #2427243

Anon 1 and 2: this was pretty much the point. fans tend to see Saiyans love of fighting as cool, but Toriyama's intention was clearly to show how toxic such a attitude was for themselves, everyone around them, and the universe at large.
Even when Raditz die, Vegeta don't give a shit about his lost comrad and just think about using the balls to gain immortality.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-26 09:09:54 » #2427264

Anon 4: Yeah but survival of the species and instinct should matter a little right? Especially when there’s actually a good shot at keeping your kind from dying out. It feels like the dragon balls kind of break the narrative when it can fix and solve so many problems of offer so many possibilities, solutions, etc.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-26 09:55:24 » #2427280

Vegeta didn't care. It's just that simple. Also Frieza could just kill them again.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-27 09:32:23 » #2427712

If Vegeta didn’t care than why does he keep yammering about his Saiyan pride, heritage and referring to himself as the prince of all Saiyans? If he didn’t care, he should probably shut up about that shit.

And sure Frieza could kill them all again but they could at least give him a fight instead of being completely blindsided and make plans for the future in case of failure. Maybe send your best fighters to fight and scatter the women and children off planet in different directions to ensure survival or at least make it harder for Frieza and his forces to eliminate them.

Of course it’s pointless speculating what ifs and potential plot lines and story ideas or concepts. Dragon Ball is what it is and we just gotta accept it flaws and all.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-27 12:17:33 » #2427751

If Vegeta did care why did he kill Nappa? Early Vegeta was egotistical and doesn't care about others.

2 Points Flag
RohanOVA commented at 2021-12-30 01:40:18 » #2675977

Saiyans are like LOL players except they are full time toxic and sweaty. They were still LOL players even after The Chilled Force (probably the name before Frieza) came over and ruled.

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