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kikkatelier commented at 2019-08-31 04:07:12 » #2429169

artist still can't draw proportions right,

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-31 11:18:46 » #2429253

Shut up, her proportions are amazing

22 Points Flag
Nobbu commented at 2019-12-11 01:03:22 » #2468342

Actually, it's not even off by that much. Shoulder-to-elbow isn't actually as long as you might think, and keep in mind that when drawing poses there are often going to be adjustments in exact limb length to fit the pose in question better.

On top of that, drawing perfect proportions all the time is kinda hard. Drawing perfect anything is kinda hard. Drawing itself is kinda hard.

Try spending a day drawing something as perfectly as you possibly can and you'll notice that it's a lot easier to find issues with something than it is to make it. A lot of subtle things go into an image that you can look over in a glance but take hours to actually make. For example, watching a YouTube video takes about ten minutes, but editing one takes ages.

6 Points Flag
Nobbu commented at 2019-12-11 01:14:59 » #2468347

Forgot to mention this, but the fur also starts a bit before her elbow, making her upper arm look a bit shorter than it actually is. This is compounded by the angle, as due to the direction Arashi is facing there's a small area of her arm we can't actually see due to how her fur sticks out, and that makes her arm look shorter as well.

TL;DR: The human brain basically does image processing the way people watch movies and it gets cases of "wrong trope syndrome" sometimes. Happens a lot in drawn images since drawings aren't inherently photorealistic and it's not feasible to add all the elements the brain needs to comprehend an image possibly, so something has to give. It's not necessarily that the artist doesn't know better, but sometimes you just have to put down your pencil and call it a day, since there's a limit to how much one can actually manage to correct.

TL;DR TL;DR: Humans: Dumb. Drawings: Not inherently photorealistic. This is basically putting a not-quite-square peg in a square hole.

3 Points Flag