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Anonymous commented at 2019-09-08 12:39:16 » #2432349

I actually like the idea of Roshi back at it and fighting. It’s just a tad unbelievable though when he spent over an entire series staying out of the fight stating that everyone now was just simply beyond him. It’s like the writer wanted a thing and didn’t really want to work towards it and earn it so he wrote in this hand wavy thing to dispel any questions by saying “secret training”. It’s like how becoming a Super Saiyan is lazy now. If they actually maintained his relevancy and hinted at the idea he had something up his sleeves or kept secrets, it wouldn’t have felt like complete out of nowhere bullshit.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-09-08 14:23:51 » #2432373

Did Roshi did nothing significant enough to be upset about?

"It’s like how becoming a Super Saiyan is lazy now"

Goten and Trunks...

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-09-08 14:24:44 » #2432374

Did Roshi do anything significant enough to be upset about?

"It’s like how becoming a Super Saiyan is lazy now"

Goten and Trunks...

2 Points Flag