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Anonymous commented at 2019-09-14 20:30:04 » #2434841

I always wondered why Cologne never taught Shampoo some of the secret techniques such as the chestnuts roasted over open fire. IN fact, Shampoo was there watching Ranma when he was being showed this technique so why didn't she simply learn it herself? It's just a speed and control technique so she should easily have been able to master it.

That said, both the anime as well as the manga have always shown that Shampoo was leagues more powerful and more skilled than any of the other female love interests of Ranma... That is why I always found it so silly when fanfic writers had a tendency to nerf Shampoo and have Akae easily beat her after some silly one month training under Ranma or some other bullshit.

Akane never had any skill and she always sucked at martial arts... that was the whole point of her character. Rumiko wrote her as a girl with absolutely no redeeming qualities because the moral of her story was that even the worst girl had somebody out there meant for her. Which of course is a fantasy and a downright lie... but hey, Rumiko never got married herself so I guess she wanted to dream. Just was silly that the worst girl got the "prince" and main character in a story though.

But yeah, Akane had no skills at anything. That is all.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-10-05 10:37:55 » #2442306

What the fuck are you talking about? Did you actually read or watch the show? Akane wasn't on Ranma's or even Shampoo's level, sure, but she was able to compete with the low-rung characters like Kuno and Kodachi, which still puts her in superhuman martial arts territory. Go back to the beginning of the anime and watch how cleanly she handles that crazy brawl with the pervert brigade before school. That's the kind of fight choreography they'd use in the beginning of a Bruce Lee or Jacky Chan movie to establish them as a bad-ass.

2 Points Flag
Cypress_Cat commented at 2019-10-05 10:57:03 » #2442314

I hope you gentlemen were graded for those essays.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-10-05 11:09:57 » #2442318

I've seen these kind of claims about the series (that really don't seem supported at all by the actual content), that are allegedly based on Rumiko Takahashi's personal life before (on e-hentai), and I'd love to see a citation of an interview, guide book, etc for it. Because frankly? It sounds like the same kind of armchair psychologist hooey anime fans on the internet used to ascribe to Yoshiyuki Tomino & his work.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-10-18 15:45:29 » #2447798

Anon, It's estabilished in the MANGA that Kuno hold himself back when fighting Akane. In the manga she is one of the less trained and techniqueless characters around, in the anime at least some ova and original ideas showed her way more interested in becoming better than in the manga. Also Akane was never into much martial arts, her focus is just about being strong.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-05-14 06:34:50 » #2526656

we can all agree that Shapoo > akane

2 Points Flag