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Anonymous commented at 2019-09-15 12:39:46 » #2435075

Always glad to be seeing and having more of a character that won’t be making anymore appearances. Especially if and when they look and dress like that.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-10-07 15:30:55 » #2443337

He was right to do it, but it feels wrong when they surrender.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-10-11 14:48:46 » #2444869

I don’t know if I can exactly call it right to kill an enemy that was essentially surrendering, it certainly isn’t heroic and probably unwise as well. I mean how much do the heroes know about monsters really? They didn’t even know that they had an organization before and now they have one in their custody. Instead of killing her, why not figure what she knows or how much she knows? And there are no systems and rules regarding monsters either so you can just kill them on a whim I guess. There’s no concern or curiosities about taking the life of something that looks practically human.

Of course the guy was just a vain asshole celebrity who was mainly PR, didn’t do much heroing despite being pretty good at it and berated people who’re trying their best when he wasn’t there to begin with so I doubt he’s got the mind for strategy or intelligence.

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