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Anonymous commented at 2019-09-27 04:50:54 » #2439204

What are the chances that they’ll ever bring this chick back? I mean was her being a girl capable of magic just so she could get close enough to Roshi to put him under her spell and they really don’t have any plans for her after that conflict which was all for the sake of Roshi’s comeback or is she actually going to be a recurring character and her magic will actually prove to be useful at some point?

Man, I really wanna believe that the writing and the thought that’s put into it will improve and get better but it’s really hard to tell if that’ll happen.

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Anonymous commented at 2019-09-30 13:55:09 » #2440576

Most likely not, Dude. And i hear ya for the sake of new and interesting Characters, aside from Saiyans, Gods and Powerlevels. But she is just throwaway onseshot Filler Stuff. That is, if Tiens School won't appear again, which i too, highly think of. All of that was just in preparition for the Tournament, so that every Participant will get a little shining Moment in his Training Program.

Then again.. Tiens Fighting School is in the Canon Construct due to Dragon Ball Online (as Krillins is, which might come after his Police Career). So there might be a small Chance that we will see her again, if the Earthlings get more Treatments.

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KIDMASTER3 commented at 2021-03-03 08:56:48 » #2596099

what is yurin's power level may not be very strong but still need to know

1 Points Flag
BaconMinion commented at 2021-03-03 09:30:44 » #2596105

Japan doesn't like Tien. She's directly connected to Tien. Therefore, Japan does not like her.

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