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Anonymous commented at 2019-11-15 04:43:06 » #2458762

Man, she’s more desperate to get into Smash than Andy is to get into her.

Also “I’m not even that sexy!”? That’s one of the biggest loads of crap I’ve ever heard. The whole point of her, her popularity and her fan base is sex appeal.

2 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2019-11-15 04:49:06 » #2458763

Well I mean, a character can have depth and still be sexy, they aren't mutually exclusive.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-11-15 05:20:06 » #2458774

The only thing deep about her is her cleavage. As far as I can tell, her motivation for the longest time was to get a guy’s attention because he was nice to her one time.

She’s the granddaughter of a master ninja so the potential for an interesting backstory and character is there but they didn’t really have an intriguing story to tell or any place to really take her. Granted, fighting games aren’t really narrative driven and you have to juggle, create and write for a bunch of characters which I can’t imagine to be easy but she’s like the most popular character they’ve got and is basically a mascot. A little more thought put into her could really help elevate her to something more than just eye candy and fan service.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-11-15 17:23:27 » #2458942

This meme’s still going on, huh? Kinda hoping the wild speculation for fighter #75 would’ve started by now.

2 Points Flag
BigStudBen commented at 2019-11-15 17:29:10 » #2458945

I'm kinda hoping for Ninja Gaiden or Byleth. <3

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-11-16 03:19:12 » #2459113

So..... what's the point of this huge shitstorm people are throwing? It's not like she would have been in the game as anything more than a spirit. Just look up Mai's official artwork from the KoF games on the internet if you want to see it that badly.

1 Points Flag
I_Want_Popcorn commented at 2019-11-16 06:34:03 » #2459159

People taking an amusing statement, idea, etc. and having fun with it does not constitute a shitstorm.

14 Points Flag