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Anonymous commented at 2019-11-15 13:44:14 » #2458877

You know, I still don’t understand why Gantz suddenly targeted Kurono’s girlfriend, or why doesn’t it have Tokyo division work with another sector sooner if they’re doing so badly and there aren’t really any survivors to teach the new crew anything. I mean doesn’t it want to get rid of all those aliens? What was the point of dicking around with all your recruits and being a mysterious asshole? Why did Gantz transport the Gantz members away from the European statue aliens when they didn’t succeed and it’s proven that Gantz doesn’t really give a shit about the well-being or survival of the people they bring in? Whatever happened to those aliens? What was the significance to those vampires?

Gantz is interesting and engaging a read until before it drags around the end but man does it feel like things are happening with no rhyme or reason and the writer is just coming up with stuff and introducing ideas on the spot with no real future plans for them.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-12-16 12:56:57 » #2470246

Gantz was just an ass

4 Points Flag