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Anonymous commented at 2019-12-20 14:37:46 » #2471834

How safe of a bet is it that an RE4 remake is being thought of? I wouldn’t mind seeing how Ashley looks with modern tech. Also it’d be nice if she were more tolerable and cooperative.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-12-20 20:35:18 » #2471935

Personally I hope not. That game is pretty much perfect already. Code veronica and Zero on the other hand could both do with a fresh take. However I do agree that Ashley would look nice.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-12-21 15:27:37 » #2472165

Well it wouldn’t be too hard to do Ada or Leon again. Also the remakes are generally quality stuff assuming the next one does well. RE4 is probably would sell extremely well just because it’s something that everyone knows but it’d definitely be too much too soon. Just give it time to breathe and take your time. Don’t wanna burn out your brand and exhaust the audience with overexposure.

1 Points Flag