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Anonymous commented at 2020-03-25 09:38:59 » #2505622

I don't suppose I'm entirely against planting some seeds.

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N8_20_92D commented at 2020-12-12 01:00:08 » #2580750

@Anon #2505622
Look... "Loggers" grow their own trees, FYI. When the cut one down, you know, for WOOD that we humans use to BUILD things, they plant more for later... Modern wood is now coming from grown tree fields. But yeah, I'm not against regrowing old wild area trees. But as human civilization expands, and tries and needs more land, what then? We need to seriously get back into space, build colonies with trees as well for natural hair reproduction and use electric cars to keep from filling those colonies up with exhaust fumes. Boom. There we go. We have to stop thinking, "there's not enough food for everyone!" Have you seen stores? Bullshit! There's enough food! Don't believe lies spread by the 10% elites... Think for yourself. Trust you INSTINCTS and look around everyday. We aren't as screwed to a doom and gloom future as so many fools think... Sorry, I rambled... But these are just some things I felt I needed to bring up. We aren't screwed, we need to think if the future and move toward it... Otherwise the whole world will become like China. -_- Controlling their population...

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