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LivingCorpse commented at 2019-12-29 09:42:48 » #2474676

Moonlight SY-3

Length: 46.7 meters/124 meters with "booster extension" that is 77 meters in length by itself

Height: 31 meters standing on landing wheels.

Wingspan: 13.5 meters/32 meters extended

Mass: 20,000 tons (unknown if with or without booster)

Flight Speed: Unknown though it probably is at least supersonic within atmosphere since it out-flew Rodan.

Space Flight Speed: Also unkown possibly hypersonic in the vacuum of space since it frequently flew between the Earth and the Moon on a daily basis.

Payload: Freezer Missiles and Exploration Cars armed with twin large 7 barreled Maser Cannons and twin small 3 barreled Maser Cannons and 4 missiles.

A space shuttle that brought supplies from Earth to the U.N. MoonBase and U.N. Space Stations on a daily basis, the Moonlight Sy-3 was never intended to be a weapon instead used both for space exploration and resupply ship. But when an alien race known as the Kilaaks used mind control devices to turn Earth's monsters into weapons of conquest, the Moonlight SY-3 proved to be a surprisingly effective weapon without needing any modifications to be turned into one.

It's high flight speed & stability helped in getting away from Rodan and fighting the the Kiaak fighter spacecraft known as the Fire Dragon. Because it was a space shuttle made to withstand atmospheric re-entry on a daily basis, tt withstood heat from Godzilla's Atomic Breath for a minute and half, several minutes in a flame trap on the hidden Kilaak moonbase and several seconds of contact with the Fire Dragon's flames. It's freezer missiles, which were made to put out emergency fires on the moonbase, put out the Fire Dragon's flames and a second shot cause the ships engines to fail making it crash into the Earth.

It's Exploration Car was also effective. Carrying 5 passangers, the car was armed with Maser Guns and Missiles to excavate lunar rocks but ended up helping destroy the Kilaak moonbase.

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