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Anonymous commented at 2020-01-05 15:10:52 » #2477203

Can beastmen knock up women with Chozo DNA?

3 Points Flag
zzazman commented at 2020-01-06 02:41:19 » #2477455


Yes. With regards to their DNA, Samus's eggs were created before her DNA was altered/before she was born, so their DNA remains fully human, and Nicole's Beastman DNA is derived heavily from human DNA. Though, without any advanced fertility treatment, their chances of complications and birth defects is still higher.
Samus and Nicole are very sexually active, and my best guess as to why he hasn't gotten her pregnant by now is likely because her tubes are "tied" to prevent interference with her line of work. Even if that's the case, they can simply undo the procedure or utilize IVF if they want/need to. See here:


7 Points Flag