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Anonymous commented at 2020-01-09 19:04:00 » #2478747

I'm going to have to side with Omni Slayer, all be it to an extent, that incest is a normal choice of love but has been considered taboo in western cultures for the past 100 years ( I guess when Hollywierd movies began to grow in popularity, think Charlie Chaplin, and the ignorant masses that could be easily indoctrinated). Almost all religions, presently existing and ones 'no longer in use', have incestual scriptures. And incest as a practice has been influencing man kind since its inception, literally. But that was in the past, we are slaves to laws now, and the USA has some of the most strict laws regarding incestuous relationships world wide (Sweet Home Alabama is a lie). Germany, China, Australia, and even fucking Canada won't throw you in jail at all for plowing your hot af mom but in the US it's a felony and in prison you will be the one biting the pillow. You can't hookup with anyone within 4 degrees of your 'relation' (genetic, but not common wealth 'foster,' like grandparents, parents, siblings, 1st cousins, aunts, and uncles) as federal law mandates (which is bullshit! What if grandma wants to show me how to bake cookies? But I already have got the family recipe, right here). What makes it taboo state side is a blend of conditioned propaganda (state sponsored sciences and cherry picked historical celebrities), and government bureaucracy at its lowest. It's kind of fucking stupid when you think about it.
Incest is the act of deep dicking a genetic relation, but no one said anything about having game of thrones kids. (Arya Stark looks like a poster child for
fetal alchohol syndrome and incest combo) I'm just trying to say is that incest shouldn't have to be seen with so much contempt because it is not taboo at all. Cuz without it you wouldn't be here.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-01-09 19:06:40 » #2478748

with it you most likely wouldn't have had the brains to write all that so be lucky you arent inbred

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-01-10 11:04:26 » #2478978

They are blood related if the original source says so. You can't just suddenly change it to be step, that's dumb af

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-02-08 15:57:54 » #2489795

@ anon 8868

You're right the animation has a cheap, quickly put together disclaimer stating that the hentai was changed (for political purposes by the studio's corporate heads for mass appeal, while capitalizing on an already existing fanbase, the fans aren't happy that this hentai is becoming the next gen star wars movies, final season of game of thrones or captain marvel) from the orginal web comic (still onging) which doesn't make any sense from story or plot perspective. If they didn't want an incestuous hentai they could have just picked one of the billions of other comics on the internet. Instead the animation executives wanted the most popular medium that the creator had, with already loyal audience that they could take full advantage of. But there was a problem. They wanted more money from a broader pool of consumers so after the animation was done. They had the cheap af, normie pandering disclaimer duct taped in the beginning and the script changed (as if that's difficult to do in hentai* sarcasm) to bring in more viewers that don't care about being manipulated to please the corporation's share holders bottom line. 'How is this also a political matter you might be thinking?' If it's anything that involves money, public opinion, and manipulation of either of the two, that can be extorted to someone's benefit with minimal cost or consequence to the perpetrators, than politics has got everything to do with it

3 Points Flag
Kadigan_KSB commented at 2020-11-23 15:32:04 » #2577363

"I dont think you have any idea what happens to inbred children"

Actually, for a very long time (think: generations), nothing much. Probably.

Did you know that for a while there we were almost completely extinct? Something like 500 mating human pairs TOTAL, sometime 70~150k years ago. We're all each others' cousins to some degree at this point, and if you go up your family tree enough, you reach a point sometime 1500 years ago where the number of people you'd need for a "clean" genetic line exceeds the number of people that have been alive ever since there have been people...

Also, certain genes don't manifest immediately (for recessive ones, you need to get one from both parents), and there's only so much chance you're going to get them (obviously, the more you inbreed, the better your chances). If you add gene expression to the mix, things really become fuzzy.

Now, I'm not going to debate whether fucking your sister is morally acceptable or not - I'll leave that to people considering doing it. I just wanted to mention that if you're going to do it, the chances of your kid having issues due to this aren't exactly all that high (I think that for first-gen inbreeding, it's something like 0.125% or so? but I may be wrong on that one), and if your kid DOES have issues, it's likely there's a better culprit than inbreeding.

4 Points Flag
johnming commented at 2020-11-23 19:13:14 » #2577396

100 years ago, it was still normal for 1st cousins to marry. Even in the US. Nowadays, being with anyone you are related to, even if you're like, 15th cousins, is taboo. Hell, even dating a former step sibling is considered weird, even though you were only related by law.

2 Points Flag
johnming commented at 2020-11-23 19:16:46 » #2577399

I mean if you go back far enough, Everyone is related in some way.

3 Points Flag
diaz_valenza commented at 2021-08-30 21:54:05 » #2644608

their sex is so cute, i love how they are willing to kiss and after that they slightly smile at each other

5 Points Flag